09 UCA 844

09 UCA 844

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blauw Teletekst

Blauw Teletekst: "The 'Blauwe Teletekst' is the gems of the loft.
Three times he did end on the teletext page of a national NPO one day race.
1e Chateauroux 276 d.
4e Chateauroux Nat. Rayon 2 14.898 d.
1eArgenton119 d.
1e Argenton Fond Union 1.141 d.
4eArgenton Nat. Rayon 24.318 d.
2eLa Souteraine Fond Union1.989 d.
7eLa Souteraine Nat. Rayon 29.319 d.
78e Tours Nat. Rayon 216,154 d.
He became 1e Ace pigeon on the One day races

His father the 'Blauwe As 177' in 2000 1e Ace pigeon on the middle distance
The father of the 'Blauwe As 177', is the '992' an excellent racer and is a son of the Superstar “Turbo”.
He was as well in 1994 as in 1996 1st Ace pigeon in the city Tilburg and in 1996 he was also 1st Ace pigeon provincial and 2nd Golden Crack ZNB (10.000 fanciers). He also did win the 1st price Chateauroux (1.603 p.) and the 1st price Limoges (286 p.)
Mother of the 'Blauwe As 177' is a crossing of the breeding lines Vandenabeele x Koopman."

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