09 UCA 844

09 UCA 844

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Super Breeder NL 95-1400550


"The living legend of Dutch pigeon racing"
Most legends in pigeon racing are not made in one or two years; their status gets bigger and bigger, often first after their deadth. Marcel Sangers’ number 1 breeding cock ‘The Super Breeder’ earned the legendary status in a decade of victory for Marcel Sangers; he is head responsible for the National top status!
Red giant ‘The Super Breeder’ was such an exceptional pigeon that gave the impression right away he was of special class … his impressing attitude and ancestors of National top lines, ensured him a place in the breeding loft … a place he would prove to deserve within a few years, to now fit in to the worlds master class of breeding. By now descendants of him upto 6th generation conquer the noble world of pigeon racing.
Supreme offspring to ‘The Super Breeder’ is:
• ‘Top hen 051’ – daughter to ‘The Super Breeder’; 2 x Nat. top 10 in 2003 and 6. Nat. acebird long distance 2003
• ‘Tommy Gun’ - son to ‘The Super Breeder’; 8 x 1. and 1. acebird short distance combine with 750 members.
Father to ‘Jetliner’ – 9. NPO Bourges 2006 - 10,764 b. and 4. Peronne 1,342 b.
Grandfather to ‘André’ – 1. acebird middle distance in Zutphen Fed 2003.
Grandfather to ‘Onyx’ – 7. NPO Peronne 22,485 b.
• ‘Magic Gun’ – son to ‘The Super Breeder’. In 2004 as youngster 2x 1. and 2x 2. (to a loft mate).
• ‘Talita’ – daughter to ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. ace hen in Zutphen Fed and winner of 16 prizes on 16 basketings.
Mother to ‘Nina’, 1. NPO Bourges 2006 – 10,764 b. and 44. NPO Orleans 2006 – 14,285 b. Total of 63 prize cards
Mother to ‘Cira’, 2. Arras 7,592 b. (beaten by loft mate)
Grandmother to 3. NPO North Peronne 2007 – 6,346 b.
• ‘Time Gun’ – son to ‘The Super Breeder’. 4. NPO Orleans 7,784 birds in 2003. Furthermore winner 4. Chantilly 3,142 b. / 20. St. Ghislain 2,411 b. / 24. Heverlee 2,042 b. / 26. Peronne 9,833 b. / etc.
• ‘Stipo’ – son to ‘The Super Breeder’. 2. NPO Bourges 7,584 b.
• ‘Eagle Eye’ – grandson to ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. Nat. acebird long distance 2000 / Co-winner of the National long distance championship 2000 / 1. NPO Chateauroux 7,834 b. / 12. Nat. NPO Vierzon 8,015 b. / 23. Nat. LF Bernard 9,889 b.
Father to ‘Shogun’: 1. Tessenderloo 3,050 b. and 12. Heverlee 14,178 b.
Father to ‘Miss Geniality’, 1. young acebird in long distance specialists club 2004.
Father to ‘Tonka’: 1. Lommel 353 b.
Grandfather to ‘Red Fox’, 1. Duffel 2006 – 9,173 b. and 13. NPO Blois 2006 – 8,313 b.
• ‘Nina’ - granddaughter to ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. NPO Bourges 2006 - 10.765 b. and 44. NPO Orleans 2006 - 14.284 b. Total of 63 prize cards
• ‘Supercrack 021’ – grandson ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. NPO Sourdun 2005 – 6,022 b. / 3. Nat. Blois 2006 - 75,000 b. / 1. acebird short distance young in club 2005 / 3. acebird short distance young in combine 2 – 2005.
• ‘Flaming Red’ – grandson to ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. acebird Zutphen Fed with 15 prize cards in 2003 / 8. NPO Vierzon 11,112 b. in 2003 / winner of 3 x 1.
• ‘Fast as Lightning’ - grandson to ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. Heverlee 9,076 b., 7. Nat. GP Le Mans East 25,000 b., 8. NPO Orleans 18,127 b., 9. St. Ghislain 4,439 b.
Father to ‘Red Fox’, 1. Duffel 2006 – 9,173 b. and 13. NPO Blois 2006 – 8,313 b.
Grandfather to 1. young acebird Zutphen Fed. 2007
• ‘Miss Geniality’ - granddaughter to ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. acebird youngsters in Long Distance Specialists Club 2004.
Mother to ‘Red Fox’, 1. Duffel 2006 – 9,173 b. and 13. NPO Blois 2006 – 8,313 b.
Grandmother to 1. young acebird Zutphen Fed. 2007
• ‘Triple Six’ – granddaughter to ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. Bourges 1,834 b., also 8. NPO 6,775 b. 2005, 12. NPO Blois 8,313 b. 2006 and 17. NPO Bourges 10,764 b. 2006
• ‘Ozeki’ – great grandson to ‘The Super Breeder’. 4. Nat. acebird one day long distance 2005 / 1. acebird one day long distance in long distance specialists club (800 members) 2005. Winner of a/o 1. PS Maxence 879 b. (15 minutes lead), 2. PS Maxence 4,189 b., 7. Vierzon 1,645 b., 9. Le Mans 2,745 b., 10. Orleans 3,251 b., 19. Bourges 2,601 b., etc.
• ‘André’ – great grandson to ‘The Super Breeder’. 1. acebird middle distance bird in Zutphen Fed 2003.

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